Upcoming Events

Slow Birding Weekend at Quimby Country
Amy will be co-leading this immersive weekend with her sister, Bird Diva Bridget Butler.
Imagine…a cozy fall weekend in the Northeast Kingdom of Vermont. You’re tucked away at an idyllic retreat where you can let go in order to reconnect with nature and yourself through your love of curiosity of birds. Your meals are taken care of, coffee is ready for you in the morning, and the flow of the weekend is laid out before you. You’ll enjoy the sunrise with the birds and sunsets with other mindful birders looking to reconnect just like you.

In Bloom Conference ~ Maine
Amy will be presenting a workshop in the morning session at the In Bloom Conference in Maine.
Join us for In Bloom in Maine at Educare Central Maine in Waterville! The workshops will take place in the play yards and outdoor areas of Educare, as well as in the nearby forest and stream areas. There will be tours of the school and outdoor play areas, as well as parts of the adjacent elementary school. At lunch, participants will have the opportunity to meet with Antioch University’s Inside-Outside Maine chapters and the Maine Early Childhood Outdoors network. We will enjoy providing you with simple morning refreshments and a healthy lunch as part of your registration fee.

In Bloom Conference ~ New Hampshire
Amy will be presenting a workshop in the afternoon session at the In Bloom Conference hosted by Antioch University.
The conference will be held at Symonds Elementary School in Keene—a charming, arts-filled neighborhood elementary school with good outdoor learning spaces and easy access to surrounding Wheelock Park. Symonds has a number of teachers conducting forest days in the early elementary grades, and you’ll enjoy all the beautiful child-created artwork on the walls throughout the school. The school provides great examples of how to incorporate nature-based education into the public school curriculum.

Book Launch & Art Gallery Reception
Join us to celebrate the release of Educating Children Outdoors: Lessons in Nature-Based Learning by Amy Butler! Amy is the former North Branch Nature Center Director of Education and the founder of our flagship program, ECO. We’ll also be celebrating the opening of our spring art show, featuring work from the book by local artist and illustrator Nick Neddo. Meet Amy, Nick, and other contributors to the book; listen to readings and a brief artist talk; enjoy refreshments and music, and get your book signed.
Coming Back Home: Turning Towards Uncertainty, Wonder and Connection
Every day we have opportunities to create experiences that help us connect with the natural world. From the bus stop to the mountaintops, nature invites us to wonder about patterns and seasonal rhythms that are constantly unfolding around us. These simple moments out of doors can cultivate stories of curiosity and awe that help us to rediscover our deep love for the world. In a time of compounded stress and anxiety about our current climate crisis, nature is our guide to restoring a healthy and balanced dynamic between ourselves, one another and the earth.
Video available.